Closing Workshop
Entity and Property Inference for Semantic Archives – the EPISA Project
Carla Teixeira Lopes (FEUP / INESC TEC)
Semantic migration of archival records
Irene Rodrigues (U. Évora), David Varagnolo (U. Évora)
EPISA Platform: Infrastructure and Interfaces
Sérgio Nunes (FEUP/INESC TEC), Tiago Silva (FEUP/INESC TEC), Cláudia Martins (FEUP/INESC TEC)
Explorations with linked data
Sérgio Nunes (FEUP/INESC TEC), Mariana Dias (FEUP/INESC TEC)
Panel Discussion: The use of Linked Data in Archives
Cristina Ribeiro (FEUP/INESC TEC), Maria João Pires de Lima (Arquivo Distrital do Porto), Pedro Rangel Henriques (UMinho), Silvestre Lacerda (DGLAB)
Moderação de Gabriel David (FEUP/INESC TEC)
Cristina Ribeiro (FEUP/INESC TEC)